Drink from the fire hose

The Road to Woodland Brutality
Adventure Mark Farrell Adventure Mark Farrell

The Road to Woodland Brutality

InRangeTV’s Woodland Brutality and Midnight Brutality are physically demanding 2-gun action shooting matches taking place in the wilderness of West Virginia. Woodland Brutality is a test of endurance squeezing seven full stages into one match day, and Midnight Brutality will be four more of the same, only this time after dark. I’ll be taking on the task of doing both matches in the same day, with Midnight starting just hours after Woodland wraps for the day. Here, I’ll be going over my kit, plans, and predictions for the match.

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Photography Part 1: Green Lakes State Park
Adventure Mark Farrell Adventure Mark Farrell

Photography Part 1: Green Lakes State Park

Green Lakes State Park is a beautiful spot located in Fayetteville NY. It's home to two incredible lakes formed by melt water from ancient glaciers. Due to the surrounding hillsides the light from the sun hits the lakes at such and angle to make the water appear a translucent green color, which is what gives the park its name. I spent my third and fourth rolls of film on a day trip here with my buddy Dan.

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Photography Series Pt. 0
Adventure Mark Farrell Adventure Mark Farrell

Photography Series Pt. 0

This is the start of a series where I learn the ins and outs of film photography. By no means do I consider myself a photographer, nor do I claim to be any good at anything I show here. That being said it seems like it’s going to be an interesting journey, so I’d like to take you along for the ride.

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EDC: What it is and What I Carry
Adventure Mark Farrell Adventure Mark Farrell

EDC: What it is and What I Carry

Every Day Carry. It is, quite simply, the things you carry every day. The truth is, everyone has things they always carry with them, but when discussed in the context of “an EDC” or “my EDC,” people are generally referring to a refined selection of items that is often more multifaceted than what most people would bother to carry daily in an attempt to be prepared for a wide variety of situations.

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